New song by The Reuters --> Swallow Your Pride
New song with new bass player!
The Dutch post-post punks of The Reuters have a new bass player. Bobbie Rossini (Claw Boys Claw / Chicas Del Rock / The Suspenders) takes up her bass again and from now on plays along with Erik Pols and Johan Buurke in The Reuters. Her well-known dark sounding bass playing provides even more punkadelic rawkyness. We hear that new sound in the wonderfully raw punk song "Swallow Your Pride". Irony, energy, steaming strings, throbbing drums and raw throats. You can swallow that!
De Nederlandse punkers van The Reuters hebben een nieuwe bassiste. Bobbie Rossini (Claw Boys Claw / Chicas Del Rock / The Suspenders) neemt haar bas weer ter hand en speelt vanaf nu mee met Erik Pols en Johan Buurke in The Reuters. Haar bekende donker klinkende basspel, zorgt voor nóg meer punkedelische rawkyness. Dat nieuwe geluid, krijgen we te horen in het heerlijk rauwe punknummer ‘Swallow Your Pride’. Ironie, energie, stomende snaren, bonzende drums en rauwe kelen.
Watch the video ‘Swallow Your Pride by The Reuters here.